20 April 2022
Joyful memories of a marker in the hearts of every alumnus/alumna who ever graduated from CHS Manila. It was bittersweet — very happy for the students to have a face-to-face graduation and celebrate with their parents. It was a truly joyous occasion. But knowing it was the last batch to ever graduate from our alma mater brought a bit of sadness in everyone’s hearts.
May the hearts of every alumnus/alumna bear the mark of the Holy Spirit. May the Light of the Holy Spirit shine bright and live on in the minds, hearts and souls of all alumni so they may carry on the mission of Truth in Love — Veritas in Caritate.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the graduates and their parents! Congratulations also to the SSpS community, the faculty and staff of CHS Manila!
To watch the full video of the Last Graduation, you may click the link below: